New for Christmas 2020, CEH Productions presents a special adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, the timeless tale of one man’s journey from miserly indifference to redemption. Through the intercession of the ghost of his seven-years-dead partner, Ebenezer Scrooge journeys through time – and Christmas – with three Spirits; observing the causes, and effects, that his life choices have made – and will make, unless he changes his ways.
You can listen to it on our Listen page.
A Christmas Carol is read by Richard Elen, Judith Cullen and Shandon Loring, and was recorded and produced by Richard Elen. The programme includes music by Paul Mottram, courtesy of Audio Network.
A Christmas Carol was adapted for CEH Productions by Caledonia Skytower, from Dickens’ own abridged version that he used for public readings.