We’re pleased to be able to welcome you to our new website, at cehproductions.com . On the site you’ll find information on CEH Productions and on our short film, Arrivals & Departures.
In addition to viewing the two trailers for the film, you can see the film itself. You can also hear the original radio version of Arrivals & Departures, along with an audio recording of the Q&A session that we gave at the Premiere back in July, hosted by Aisling Sinclair. There’s a News & Media page where we’ll be keeping you up to date on what we’re doing, whether it’s regarding A&D or information on any new projects we might be working on. And there are picture galleries with images by Wildstar Beaumont, shot during the making of the film, along with pictures of the premiere and of the special theatre that Honey Heart built for it.
Stay tuned!